Septic Tank Repair & Maintenance

One quarter of Americans rely on septic tanks to process household waste. Bare's Backhoe & Septic have septic tank experts who service, repair, pump and replace septic tanks and associated drain fields. Septic systems should be inspected by a professional at least every 3 years. However, those with mechanical or electrical components may need to be inspected annually. 

When you call Bare's Backhoe & Septic, we will inspect your septic system for leaks, signs of back-up and proper component operation. In addition, we'll check the scum and sludge layers in the tank and recommend an appropriate pumping schedule.

Don’t Ignore Septic Problems
When your septic tank isn’t working properly, in addition to being unpleasant, it can cause bacteria to enter into your groundwater. This can lead to a number of health complications for your family, pets or livestock.

Septic Tank Pumping
Most septic tanks require pumping every 3 to 5 years. When you call, Bare's Backhoe & Septic will pump out your septic tank and haul away the waste to an approved treatment and processing facility. Don't worry about the disposal – we obey all environmental laws and regulations to ensure that septic tank waste is responsibly processed and poses no environmental hazards.

Septic Tank Repair and Installation
In addition to septic tank pumping, our plumbers can repair or replace damaged septic tanks and keep your septic system in peak operating condition. Our septic system professionals have full excavation capabilities to handle repairs and replacements of every size.
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